Friday, February 13, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The History of Banten
Banten in the past is a region that has very busy port city and the community were open and prosperous. Banten which is locate at international trade path, interact with the outside world since the early centuries of Christian era. Banten in the 7th century has become international port. And as the consequence, it believedthat Islam have entered and interact with the local culture, as told in the news Tome Pires in the year 1513.
The process of Islamization of Banten, preceded by Sunan Ampel, which is then continued by Syarif Hidayatullah (Sunan Gunung Jati), which all recorded in the script Carita Purwaka Caruban Nagari. The history phase that the influence of Islam became stronger were happened when Regent Banten sister, Nyai Kawunganten, with Syarif Hidayatullah who then has born two children who were given the name of Ratu Ayu Wulung and Hasanuddin as embryo of the start of phase history of the Banten Kingdom as Islamic Kingdom. (Djajadiningrat, 1983:161 ). Together with his son, Sunan Gunung Jati widen the influence of Islam spread to the entire Tatar Sunda (West Java / Parahyangan) until his time came to return to Cirebon (Cherbone).
The surrender of Prabu Pucuk Umun at Wahanten Girang in the year 1525 were became the start of the next milestone to be the era of Islamic kingdom of Banten as the central government move from Banten's hinterland to the coastal area on 1 Muharram 933 Hijriah Year, coinciding with the date of 8 October 1526 (Michrob and Chudari, 1993:61).
As the brilliant geo-political understanding of Sunan Gunung Jati, he determine the position of the palace, forts, markets, and the square to be built near the Banten estuary river, which was then given the name Surosowan. Only in 26 years, Banten became increasingly large and advanced, and by the year 1552 BC, which was only Banten Kadipaten changed into a state of Demak with Hasanuddin constituted as king in the Sultanate of Banten with a degree Maulana Hasanuddin Panembahan Surosowan (Pudjiastuti, 2000:61 ).
When it became the center of Banten Sultanate, as reported by J. de Barros, Banten is a one of the biggest port in Java, as same as
In the early 17th century BC, Banten is one of the important central commerce international routes in
Beside that, the French and Dannish also have came in Banten. In competition between Europe traders, the
The form of the interaction of culture and society of Banten first can be seen from the growth of the population that came from various regions in Indonesia such as Malay, Ternate, Banjar, Banda, Bugis, Makassar, and from Java it self and also from outside the archipelago, such as Pegu (Burma ), Siam, Parsi, Arabic, Turkish, Bengali, and Chinese (Leur, 1960:133-134; Tjiptoatmodjo, 1983:64). At least this is the historical fact which contributed to the Banten greatness and glory.
In efforts to build Banten, Maulana Hasanuddin as Banten Sultan, first (1522-1570), focuses on the development of the trade sector with pepper as the main commodities, which are taken from Banten own area and other regions in the area of Banten such as Jayakarta, Lampung, and the farthest from the Bengkulu (Tjandrasasmita, 1975:323).
Influence expansion also become the focus of Sultan Hasanuddin through the expeditions to inland and other ports. Sunda Kelapa as the one of the largest port has successful conquered in the year 1527 and the conquer of Sunda Kalapa is marked with a change of name Sunda Kalapa to "Jayakarta". With the conquer of Jayakarta, Banten hold strategic role in the pepper trade that thwart efforts under Portuguese Henrique de Leme in his effort to make business partnership with the King of Sunda (Kartodirdjo, 1992:33-34).
After Maulana Hasanuddin death, the government followed by Maulana Yusuf (1570-1580), his first son from Queen Ayu Kirana, daughter of Demak Sultan. Banten widespread notoriety when the expansion political successfully conquered Pakuan Pajajaran that also assisted by the
During under the leadership of Maulana Yusuf, the agricultural sector grew rapidly and expanded to pass the Serang today, whereas to meet the needs of water for rice fields was made irrigation canal and dam. Lakes (artificial) Tasikardi is a source to fulfill the clean water for city residents, as well as a source for water irrigation for the rice field area around the city. Water filtration system with a precipitation method in Pengindelan Abang and Pengindelan Putih is evidence of water management technology in that period.
During the reign of Maulana Yusuf, trade in Banten were very advanced and Banten can be regarded as a harbor city emporium, where goods, merchandise from many other countries of the world come and then distributed (Michrob and Chudari, 1993:82-83). The settlement of migrants Growth and development going abroad at this time. Kampung Pekojan example for the Arab traders,
After Maulana Yusuf died in 1580, Banten glorius era forwarded by Maulana Muhammad. Maulana Muhammad, known as a sultan who is very righteous. For the sake of the spread of Islam, he wrote many books of Islam, which was then distributed to the need. Welfare and quality of life of the mosque is coloring his era even though he did not take long the government because of the tragic death in the war in Pelembang in 1596 in at the very young age, about 25 years.
After Maulana Muhammad died, Banten enter declension time when the conflict and civil war coloring family kingdom especially during the guardianship Abul Mufakhir Mahmud Abdul Kadir whom is five months when his father died. The Peak of the civil war begin from Pailir events, and after that Banten started to recover themselves.
By the end of the period of Sultan Muda guardianship in January 1624, Sultan Abdul Mufakir Mahmud Abdul Kadir was appointed as the Sultan of Banten (1596-1651). The new Sultan is known as a wise and prudent attention to the interests of his people. Agriculture, shipping, and public health became his attention. He successfully establish diplomatic relations with other countries, especially with the Moslem countries. He is the first sultan from Banten that get a degree from the Arabian ruler from (1636). Sultan Abdul Mufakhir be firmly against anyone who will want to impose Banten. For example, he refused VOC willingness that would impose a monopoly of trade in Banten (Ekadjati (ed.), 1984:97-98). As the result of this policy, his government era colored by tension and also trade blockade by VOC against Banten.
The conflict between Banten and VOC get more sharply when the Dutch VOC obtain a position in
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa who experts in war strategy successful build the Banten soldier mental with brought religious teachers from Arabic, Aceh,
The Port of Banten that at the first blocked by VOC slowly but surely began to recover when Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa successfully attract other European trading nations, such as English, French, Danish, Portuguese, which is the heavy competitor for VOC. This strategy not only successfully recover Banten trade but at the same time solve the conflict into political competition trading among European nations.
Besides developing trade, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa also persistent attempts to extend the influence and power to the region Priangan, Cirebon, Batavia and surrounding areas to prevent the expansion Mataram Authority that has been signed in the early 17th century. In addition, to prevent the force of VOC monopoly trade that ultimately the goal is to control the political Banten (Kartodirdjo, 1988:113-115150-154204-209). VOC that threatened by the spreading influence of the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa in the year 1655 proposes to the Sultan of Banten in order to make a treaty that has been almost 10 years to be made by his grandfather in 1645. However, the Sultan didnot emphatically to update as the VOC want to win themselves.
Although he was being busy with the conflict with the VOC, the Sultan still make efforts to create a channel of water for irrigation as well as ease of transportation in the war. It also means that efforts to increase agricultural production is closely related to the welfare of the people and for logistics distribution if the war happen. Because of his concern and activity to built irrigation channels and connecting rivers that extends along the north coast, then he has a degree Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (Tirta in English mean Water, yasa or jasa mean services).
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa effort to increase politics and diplomacy in shipping and trade with other nations increasingly enhanced.
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa has brought Banten to the top of it’s achievement. He also have successfully in agriculture with irrigation system and he was successful preparing the war armada, expand diplomatic relations, and increase the volume of trade so Banten finally put themselves actively in the world of international trade in Asia (Ekadjati (ed.), 1984:98).
The Peak of the conflict between the Banten and VOC occured after the Agreement Amangurat II, that VOC brings the political influence of the Sultanate of Banten, and after the Trunojoyo rebellion can be quenched, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa had to be dealing with the VOC (Wangania, 1995:44). At the same time Banten Sultanate's were broken from the inside. The prince, Sultan Abu Nasr Abdul Kahar, who was known as Sultan Haji was promote to help his father to manage in the country affairs, while foreign affairs held by the Sultan Purbaya. This situation was used by VOC to approach and instigated Sultan Haji against his father. With the help of VOC troops, in the year 1681 Sultan Haji was successfull coup the palace Surasowan who then was under between father and son up to one year duration until Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa caught due to betrayal own son, Sultan Haji. Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa imprisoned in
With the agreement signed on 17 April 1684 between the Sultanate of Banten, represented by the Sultan Abdul Kahar, Prince Dipaningrat, Kiai Suko Tajuddin, Prince Natanagara, and Prince Natawijaya, the Netherlands, represented by President of the Commission and the Commander Francois Tack, Captain Herman Dirkse Wonderpoel, Evenhart van der Schuer, and the captain from MelayuWan Abdul Bagus, the glorius and of Banten Sultanate were gone, as it swallowed Kompeni colonial monopoly and, as a result of this agreement Banten Sultanate entered to collapse. Step by step The Kompeni start to rule Banten Sultanate. Kompeni fort begin to built in 1684-1685 in the former sultanate fort that destroyed, and the fortress was designed by an architect that has been converted to Islam and a member of the sultanate called Hendrick Lucaszoon Cardeel. The Fort then named Speelwijk to remember the Governor General Speelma. Thus, practically Banten as the center of Sultanate and power has been weak. Also Banten as the central role of trading between nations has been closed. No more freedom to trade (Tjandrasasmita, 1995:118)
People suffering not only because cleaning up pursuivant Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, tax rates and pay cost of war, beside that because of the trade monopoly by Kompeni. People were forced to sell the agricultural comodity, especially pepper and clove, to Kompeni through the appointed sultanate officers, with a very low price. The King seems just as the Kompeni employees that only collect pepper from people. The trader such as British, French, and Danish, expelled from Banten because help Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa in the war in the past.
Disturbance for the riot, rebellion, and chaos in all areas of governance during the flare Sultan Haji. Robbery and murderer of the traders and Kompeni patrols, both in and outside the city, often going everywhere. Even happened the burning that destroy 2/3 all of the buildings in the city. Insecurity also occurred at sea, many ships Kompeni hijacked by the "pirate nation" that lurk in the waters around Bojonegara now. Most people do not acceptSultan Haji as Sultan. Thus, the life of the Sultan Haji always be in the anxiety and fear. However his sorry against bad treatment of his father, brothers, friends, and soldiers that there is always faithful. However, everything is done. Kompeni who are considered as friends and the guardian, eventually becoming master that he must serve. Because the pressures, the Sultan Haji fall ill and die in the year 1687. He burried in Sedakingkin Cemetary, north of Banten Great Mosque, in parallel with the graves of his father, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (Ismail, 1983:7; Tjandrasasmita, 1967:46; Michrob and Chudari, 1993:164).
After that event, Banten entered the history phase as part of the Dutch colony. Sporadically resistance become usual into the thick of the next government that is not practical as a sovereign state as the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, who have successfully establish a modern sovereign state.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Banten at Glance
Geographically, Banten located South Latitude of 5º 7’ 50” - 7º 1’ 11” and East Longitude of 105º 1’ 11” - 106º 7’ 12”. It located between West Java and
Banten region Banten has an area of 8.651,20 Km2. Banten Province borders are :
North :
East :
South :
West :
Banten’s maritime areas are one of the potential sea lines.
Banten province has a tropical climate. Banten experiencing the rainy season and dry season which alternate throughout the year, with the average temperature is 28 ° C. Area in the southern part of Banten province is dominated by hills, while the coastal region dominated in the north. Agriculture or plantation of the province this is coffee, vegetables, and fruits.
Banten residents who have strong religious traditions and native culture to the people still awake now. Religion of the majority of the population is Islamic Banten, which was brought by immigrants from Sumatra and
The cities that most of the population in the